M. fascicularis piRNA Sequences
This page contains the M. fascicularis piRNA sequences. The piRNA data was collected and processed from this study:
Roovers EF, Rosenkranz D, Mahdipour M, Han CT, He N, de Sousa Lopes SM, van der Westerlaken LA, Zischler H, Butter F, Roelen BA, Ketting RF. Piwi proteins and piRNAs in mammalian oocytes and early embryos. Cell reports. 2015 Mar 31;10(12):2069-82.
Please use the sidebar to select for monkey piRNAs from each tissue type. In the data table shown below, the first column contains species information, the second column shows the primary tissue used for piRNA generation, and the third column indicates the piRNA identification (piRNA ID) number generated by us to annotate each piRNA transcript; details about the piRNA ID assignments can be found here. The fourth column contains the piRNA sequence, the fifth column shows the sequence length, and the last column indicates the piRNA expression level for each tissue type. Details on the expression levels can be found in the reference publication. The up and down arrows next to the title of each column can be used to sort the data by column. The search box can be used to search for specific data within the table (for instance, search by a known piRNA sequence). Please use the download box towards the right to save this information in a user-friendly text (.txt) format.
The crab-eating macaque sequence table contains the following information from left to right: Species, Tissue, Unique piRNA ID, Sequence Content, Sequence Length. The expression values is currently not available for crab-eating macaque.