Mouse piRNA sequence annotation
This page contains the genomic locations of crab-eating Macaque piRNA sequences. Sequences were collected and processed from this study:
Roovers EF, Rosenkranz D, Mahdipour M, Han CT, He N, de Sousa Lopes SM, van der Westerlaken LA, Zischler H, Butter F, Roelen BA, Ketting RF. Piwi proteins and piRNAs in mammalian oocytes and early embryos. Cell reports. 2015 Mar 31;10(12):2069-82.
The genomic location table contains the following information from left to right: Chrs (chromosome), piRNA ID, Seq Start (starting position of the piRNA sequence), Seq End (ending position of the piRNA sequence), Gene ID (NCBI gene identification), Gene Symbol (Gene common name), Type (piRNA alignment to 5’ UTR, promoter, exon, intron, or 5’UTR regions), Anno Start (starting position of the annotated region of the genome), Anno End (ending position of the annotated region of the genome), and Strand (DNA orientation).
The repeat annotation columns contains the following information from left to right: Chrs, piRNA ID, Class/Family (the main class or family of TEs corresponding to piRNA), Types (the repeat types and subtypes of TEs), Repeat Start (starting position of the TE), Repeat End (ending position of the TE), and Strand.
The table for mRNA target contains the following information from left to right: Chrs, piRNA ID, Gene Start (the starting position of the target mRNA), Gene End (the ending position of the target mRNA), Gene ID, Gene Symbol, Match (Reverse complement of the piRNA sequence that corresponds to the mRNA target), and Strand.
The tables can be reorganized using the up and down arrows next to each column titles, and contains a search function to select specific piRNA sequences within each table.
Chromosome Selection
Please use following links to select data from different chromosome.